X Mod Installer aka XMI is an advance tool to install GTA 4/SA mods, it provides
a high-level security to your mod files and very safe installation. As well as it
supports mod security option if its selected the mod will only install in GTA 4/SA
directory. Moreover, XMI supports vary range of operations, from Files, Text to
all IMG operations. XMI automatically creates a backup installer before installing
the mod and that can be use to uninstall the mod. Plus it can start a list of programs
after and before the installation.
And while it create backup installer, it validates all operations. E.g. Whether
IMG contains replacing, deleting files or not, if not it shows error. Whether adding
files in IMG already exists or not, if yes it shows error, etc... That validation
keeps our game secure from being destroyed.
The first view of XMI, shows mod's details, banners and poster(if any, that appears
direct on desktop). The next page contains mod's screenshots in a very well mannered.
And if we talk about styling, then XMI support skins too. Either you create your
own skin by Skin Editor or download ready-made skins. The skins are completely advance
and support alpha transparency. Another great feature was added in XMI that was 'Check
for Updates' of mod, if the creator of mod added details about it, then XMI checks
for update. Informs user if found.
X Mod Packer is a developer tool, anyone who wishes to create a mod installer will
have to use it. Similar to XMI, it is also very advance and full of brilliant features.
While creating mod installer you can see its live preview. You can change skin anytime
without restarting the program. You can change sequence of operations' installation
and much more. You can add you own banners and poster to customize the installer.
When you have done creating mod installer, you can either save it in xmp format
that can be use anytime later to build the mod installer or build it or both that
is much better. In build process, it creates a fresh copy of XMI with the current
skin of XMP.